Fit 245: Best Ball Exercises, Success, Low Carb Mistakes

The Top 3 Best Exercises on the Stability Ball, How to Recognize and acknowledge your successes and three things you must pay attention to when going low carb!


The Top 3 Best Exercises on the Stability Ball:

  1. Ab crunches over the ball
  2. Anything that uses the ball as a bench, such as lying triceps extensions, chest flyes or chest press.
  3. Lying Leg Curl with bridge for hamstrings

Listen to the full episode on why these are the best exercises for stability ball and how to get the most effective workouts using these exercises!

Exercise at home


In part 2 of the 4-Part program to increase your self esteem and Banish Your Inner Bully, we focus on how to recognize and acknowledge your own successes!

  1. Identify your successes.
  2. Be a Victor.
  3. Be thankful.
  4. Help others.
  5. Accept compliments.

Listen to the podcast to hear how to use these to achieve your goals faster!



The holidays are here, which means fitting into clothes that don’t fit and getting there fast! You may go low carb to get the result you want. Although I don’t agree with this tactic, I know you’ll probably do it anyway! So here are three tips when doing low carb:


    1. Tip #1  Increase Your Protein

Low-carb diets cut out a huge portion of calories, so you need to make up the difference with proteins and the right fats. If you don’t increase your protein intake sufficiently, your body will catabolize.  This means it will feed upon it self, using muscle instead of fat for energy and ultimately ruin your metabolism! Think about increasing your current protein level by 20-50% that means is you currently have


    1. Tip #2 Get Enough of The Right Fats

You’ll also need to track your fats to balance your body and energy. Of course, the fats MUST come from healthy sources such as:

    • -omega-3s (fish and fish oil)


    • -medium chain triglycerides (MCTs like coconut oil)


    -monounsaturated fats (olive oil and avocado, for example).
    1. Listen to the episode to hear how this works with your body for fat loss!

    2. Tip #3: Take Advantage of Caffeine

This one isn’t a “mistake” since using caffeine is a personal preference. Yet, supplementing with caffeine pre-workout when on a low-carb diet can give you a major boost and accelerate fat loss.

    Larger caffeine doses may have even greater performance-enhancing effects, if you can tolerate them.
    The Caffeine Dosage used in studies for such results was 8 mg/kg/body weight.
    Caffeine is a way of improving performance when your energy is low due to a low carb diet.

Get all the most recent episodes on iTunes or download this episode here:

Fit 245: Best Ball Exercises, Success, Low Carb Mistakes


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