Fit 253 Squat Myths, Support, Nutrition Starting Point

Fit 253: Three myths I still hear about squats (there’s a lot more but these bug me the most); who is the most important person you need for support (hint: its not who you think) ; nutrition questions and where to start!



Myths about squats that must stop! Three myths I still hear about squatting (there’s a lot more but these bug me the most)

1. Squats are bad for the knees.

2. Smith machine squats are safer than regular squats.

3. Squats are bad for the back.

Main takeaways:

  1. Squats done properly are good for the knees, as well as the metabolism and your entire musculature system!
  2. Studies have also shown that squatting below parallel depth increases the stability of the knee.



Start the wheels of support in motion!  Who is that outside objective person who can help? This may be a personal friend or someone you haven’t met, or someone you follow on social media or someone you want to meet who can help you.

Knowing your expectations makes a difference AND telling your support group what you need and expect keeps them from guessing and enables them to truly help you.  



Wondering where to start? First start with a food log and calculate your calories and grams of protein, carbs and fats.

If your body isn’t changing and you think you are doing everything right, then the answer is one of two things: Either

  1. You are not doing what you think you are in terms of workout frequency and intensity or
  2. You are not doing what you think you are in terms of food intake-substance and timing.

If you fall into the “I’ve been doing it all and still don’t see changes” category, then do the log or do a program with me!

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