Fit 260: The Power of Three

What is the right thing to do to overcome a plateau?

Have a plan!!

One that incorporates the big three:

  1. Nutrition-eat and use the right foods at the right times to boost your metabolism, burn fat, eliminate cravings and give you sustained energy!
  2. Exercise/Training-Less than an hour 3-4x week, maybe 5, but not everyday for hours! Use the most effective exercises to boost your metabolism, stimulate lean muscle to help burn fat, exercises of the large body parts with challenging weights to burn more calories. Prioritize weight training over cardio. Be consistent and work hard!
  3. Mindset-you MUST program your mind for success! Your thoughts keep you going thru the day and can make your day (and fitness program) easy or very difficult. Knowing what to tell yourself when you feel like skipping a workout or overeating, is key to getting over plateaus and ultimately reaching your goal.

There’s a reason why most people are not in the shape they want to be. Its not easy. There is no magic pill, there is no super exercise to melt fat, there is no perfect meal plan either. It’s a combination of diet, exercise and the most important element is mindset! That’s the most forgotten part of fitness and why most people never reach their goals-things like self-sabotage, lack of motivation, negative self-talk can all be overcome with the right mindset routine.

What prevents most people from getting in shape?  The don’t have a plan or they have an incomplete plan! Your plan should include the three major areas of the Fitness Makeover-mindset, exercise, nutrition. And all three require you to make new habits. Subtle changes can go a long way! In this episode, I’m going to give you some examples for each one.make progress

Let’s start with mindset-simply one positive affirmation each day is sufficient to change your direction! That’s the “I am” statement, the positive, productive, present tense statement that may feel awkward in the beginning because your mind is not accustomed to it, but through repetition the thought sinks deeper into your mind and subconscious until you own that I am statement. Learn more by listening to the episode!

Exercise is easy! To make small changes, that is! That subtle change could come in the form of less rest between sets, or doing your bench from the incline or decline…anything that your body sees as different. That’s why it is vital to your success in weight loss or shaping your body… or basically anything to have a plan! More details in the episode!

Nutrition is where most people get it wrong!  In this area you actually need several plans! Obviously a plan for what you should eat and when, but also a plan for when you are not at home or have to bring food to work or even have to deal with social eating situations. The latter being most important because it can make or break you mentally more than physically and we all know what that can do to you! Listen to the episode for all the info!

As we continue into the new year, hopefully this episode will help you plan for success and recognize when it is time to revise or evaluate your plan and goals in order to keep progressing toward the body you want!

If you need help creating the right plan to change your body and mind, check out my programs and consultation  plans at


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