Fit 137: Outside Exercise, Holiday Guide, Motivation

Stay on track with your fitness goals! Use these “anywhere” exercises combined with the Holiday guide and dose of motivation!


Holiday time always has nutrition challenges! In this episode, a nutrition survival guide! How to stay on track and avoid the fat!

The key goal is to get in shape and stay in shape! If you’d told me 20 years ago that I’d be able to eat what I want, stay in shape and have all my clothing fit comfortably, then I’d have said no way! But it’s true!! I am living proof that changing your metabolism with weight training and good nutrition can get you the body you want and keep it! Find out what the missing link is in this episode!

Exercises can be done anywhere! In these videos, I show you how easy it is to get a good workout outside at a playground or park! Take the kids and let them play (ie exercise) while you workout!
All videos are posted at the GetFitTV channel on youtube. And on the Fitgirlusa Facebook page.
Video 1: Triceps

Video 2: Pull-ups

Video 3: Legs

Video 4: Chest

Listen to the show for all the details:
Fit 137: Outside Exercise, Holiday Guide, Motivation

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