Fit 177: Portion Control, Leg Press, Summer Goals!

In this episode: portion control, leg press, summer goals!

What is your summer goal? Is it a particular activity, a place to travel, or to maintain your exercise program or current fitness level? Share your summer goal with me on the Facebook FitGirlUSA page!

How to get the most from every repetition on the leg press! What to do and what to avoid for best results!

Portion Control Tips:

  1. Start with Less: Plate your food in small portions.  If you are trying to lose weight, then plate your “normal” amounts and remove about 20 percent of the food. Tell yourself you can have that extra 20 percent if you’re still hungry when you’ve finished eating.  This tip helps retrain your brain to the correct portion size, or at least a more reasonable portion! 
  2. Dining Out Tip: If you go out to eat, ask for a to-go container as soon as you receive your food, or ask for it when you order. When your food arrives, place half to three quarters of it into the to-go container.  You won’t be tempted to overeat since you have created a better portion size.
  3. Slow Down! Eat your food at a slower pace. This gives your brain the chance to recognize that your body has taken in some nourishment and start sending out subtle satiety signals.   Put your fork down between bites.  If you are eating too fast,  take a break,  refill your water or wash your hands. 
    Next week a few more portion control tips!
Get all the most recent episodes on iTunes or download this episode here: Fit 177: Portion Control, Leg Press, Summer Goals!

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