Fit 270 Mistake #4 in Weight Loss

The fourth biggest mistake that prevents weight loss and is holding you back from reaching your fitness goals! This mistake is often made in all three fitness components! I’ll explain how to fix these mistakes easily in Training, Mindset and Nutrition.

If you feel like you can’t lose weight-you might be making this mistake
If you workout everyday and can’t get tone-you might be making this mistake
If you barely eat and still can’t drop a pound-you might be making this mistake

#4-Consistency-in Training, Mindset and Nutrition
“Working out three hours a day vs 1 hour 3 days won’t work and can cause problems such as stress fractures, tendon and muscle strains and other injuries let alone the non benefit.

Slowly increasing work out time with 5 or 10 minutes each weekly or every two weeks makes it manageable. Whether you goal is 20 minutes or 60, three times a week or five times a week. You have to be realistic! And yes 10 minutes is better than nothing.”

Motivation /Mindset

Make consistency a habit! Write it down on paper and put that paper where you can see it everyday. Put it in front of you where ever you can-on the refrigerator, in your car, mirror, make it your phone screen (wallpaper) and repeat it out loud often!

Create stepping stones-mini-goals to accomplish one step at a time.
Have a checklist-daily, weekly, monthly of your goals and track your progress and consistency.



Everyone is always short on time, and I am often asked, “But what can I accomplish in 10 minutes?” The answer is ALOT! When you do the right exercises. Some exercises are better than others!

Think of what you CAN  do….

Only 10 minutes-you can get in some squats, lunges, planks, rows-dumbbell or resistance band, or even isometrics or stretching! Think of a Tabata- one round is usually 4 minutes. Doing two rounds is still under 8 minutes and if you’ve ever done two intense rounds then you know that 10 minutes is enough time to boost metabolism, keep body moving and make you feel great!

It might be more maintenance unless you are new to exercise, but maintenance is still good and better than going backwards! This is helpful during busy times at work or holidays or maybe during the week, do 2 days of 10 minutes and then on the weekend one day of longer-30 to 60 minutes not 3 hours!

Exercise isn’t just for weight loss, it’s for life, living, keeping your body young! It helps for later in life, having better quality of life in our older years, more mobility, less risk of falling, more strength. Studies show as little as 10 minutes of moderate intense physical activity can lead to a healthy heart. This can be as simple as a 10 min walk (five in one direction return) or bike ride.

One study found that you can reduce heart disease risk by up to 50 percent with 60 to 90 minutes of exercise weekly. Check how this breaks down:

60 minutes equals

  • 12 minutes x 5 days or
  • 20 minutes x 3 days

90 minutes equals

  • 18 minutes x 5 days or
  • 30 minutes x 3 days

Both are very reasonable!  If you already get in 30 minutes 3x/wk you are helping reduce your risk of heart disease, the number one killer each year, yes even more than Covid-19!  Remember too that moderate intensity does not mean kill yourself with burpees!

Walking vs running-you don’t have to run! Don’t walk with weights, do some intervals, map a course, movement is most important part, not distance or speed, sure you can challenge yourself with various parameters, but don ‘t be all or nothing…I can’t go 3 miles so I won’t go at all, NO. Every bit helps!

Strength training is equally important to overall health. Three basic exercises that can make a huge difference in fitness level for anyone just starting out are assisted pull ups, planks and sit squats. Do at the gym, a park or home.

My 10 minute programs! We use these are the gym and they are fast, fun and get results! Look for my 14-day program soon at



Consistency in nutrition gets results! This means consistency in what you eat, when you eat, meal time frames, food combining and food choices.  Most people think they eat right but logging it for a few days tends to show the errors!

Top Tips for consistency

  • Set your days and times
  • Have a plan or get a plan for a period of time from a trainer
  • Look for daily “opportunities” to move more
  • Think outside the box-is there a park nearby to do faux pull-ups? Is there a heart trail or other type of free exercise area? Tennis courts, basketball courts-walk the perimeter, use the length to do sprints/intervals, create your own “heart trail” stop and do 15 squats or stretch at designated landmarks or court lines.
  • Use your walk or exercise time to listen to a podcast or a book or music
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