Fit 161: Food Swaps, Motivation, Home Cardio!

Simple Swaps for Healthy Eating and Weight-Loss!
You don’t have to starve yourself or exercise for hours to see results. A few dietary changes can make a huge difference on your waist!
Swap #1: Use Greens such as Cabbage, Collard Greens or Lettuce in place of bread. This swap can save you anywhere from 70-150 calories per slice!  Health perks: better cholesterol levels, increased fiber, and anticancer compounds.
Swap #2: Spaghetti Squash instead of Pasta! The noodle like flesh of spaghetti squash has a similar consistency to pasta. The added fiber fills you up and spaghetti squash is full of anti-oxidants! These will help you recover faster from workouts and speed up results! You ‘ll save about 30 grams of carbs per cup! No guilt either!

In the next few episodes we’ll cover the main sections of the upcoming Motivation Course. This is a transformation and ”personal power” academy that I have been working on.

By the way,  there are currently only 8 of the original Fitness Makeover Workshop Kits left! The kits will not be reprinted! If you want this material on DVD, and all the workbooks now’s your last chance! Find it at the ProShop.

Module 1: Self-talk 
This includes topics such as self-esteem, habits, obstacles, beliefs and self-talk (your mantra from podcast #__).

Module 2: Goals 
How to create realistic and timely goals and stay on track!

Module 3:  Planning 
Most people don’t think they need help in this area, but realistically, time management is what enables you to get more done in less time! Topics include organization, accountability, focus, accomplishments and rewards.

Bonus Module 4: Visualization 
Helps you unleash your inner power! Understand the Law of Attraction and how to see yourself enjoying success!

Let’s focus on Module 1 Self-talk.
Remember the mantra podcast? Did you do it?
What is your mantra?
Here’s some examples: I am strong and powerful, I am consistent, I eat healthy etc. These are the daily talks you have with yourself (usually inside your head) and this goes hand in hand with self-esteem. How would you rate your self-esteem on a level of 1 (lowest) to 10 (the best)?

Healthy self-esteem consists of:
Respect for your own abilities, potentials, and value.
Know your strengths and trust in them.
Appreciate and accept your limitations.
Understand that other peoples perceptions of us, do not determine who we are (on our inside).

Remember: a diamond doesn’t know its own value, but it is still a diamond nonetheless.
Everyone is a diamond! Some shine sooner than others but eventually they are all priceless, just like you!

Get The Best Use Out Of Your Home Cardio Equipment!
The biggest fear that people have when investing in home cardio equipment is that they won’t use it.

An investment in your health will pay large dividends!  You just need to be prepared to get the maximum benefit from your purchase!

Here’s how:

  • Do your research first!
  • Find your “happy” place!
  • Get ready before your equipment arrives!
  • Have an exercise plan!
  • Track your progress!

Listen to the podcast for more details on each!

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Get all the most recent episodes on iTunes or download this episode here: Fit 161: Food Swaps, Motivation, Home Cardio!

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