Fit 179: Survive Summer Love Your Body, and Have Healthy Shoulders

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In this episode: Surviving vacation while enjoying food! The low down on my summer trip and workouts! Why weight training is the answer! What foods to be sure you take on vacation (whey, bars, emergency snacks). Best exercises for Shoulder Stabilization and health.

Motivation and Nutrition
My daughter and I did a summer road trip from Florida to Massachusetts, with 2 stops on the way up! In this episode, I share with you the details of how I survived the trip and kept myself in shape while enjoying fried foods, wine, ice cream and very few workouts! When going on an extended vacation, there are some foods you want to pack. I always take my favorite whey protein powder, as I like to have this fro breakfast daily. It also gives me a good boost of protein, so if my eating isn’t great all day, I’ll at least have had some quality protein! I always bring emergency snacks, such as protein bars or MRP bars. I enjoyed foods that I wouldn’t regularly eat, but that is what vacation is about!

Thanks to consistent weight training, my metabolism can handle these kind of breaks. I am sure yours can too, if you follow my programs! I am not any different from you and have had the same struggles with weight. Ditching the cardio and focusing on weights has given me the body I want and have kept for many years now! It is great to have your cake and eat it too! If I can achieve it, so can you!

Here’s a few pieces of evidence:

1.  I ran the 4th of July 5 mile race. It was a hot Massachusetts day, but not to this Floridian! Lots of people dropped out or puked out, but not me! Sure, it wasn’t my best time for that course, but considering it had been 20-25 years since I last ran at all, I did great! This is proof that weight training alone can keep you in good enough shape to run or do cardio when you need to!

2. I ate fried foods and things I don’t usually eat!

3. I didn’t gain weight or get bloaty!  My clothes fit fine and I felt great, thanks to weight training! Yeah!

Shoulder stabilization exercises are crucial to maintaining a healthy upper body. The external rotation exercise shown below, can be used as a warmup or for rehabilitation of  an injured shoulder.  To increase shoulder stability, focus on exercises for the rear deltoid, rhomboid and trapezeus areas. Such as external rotation, seated rope row to neck, reverse flye, shrugs.
tubing shoulder external rotation weight training
shoulder external rotation with tubing

(Click on image to view this exercise…)

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Fit 179: Survive Summer Love Your Body, and Have Healthy Shoulders!

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