Fit 269 Countdown of the 5 biggest mistakes made in weight loss, workouts and getting in shape

#3 will shock you!
Workout daily and can’t get tone? You might be making mistake #2!

Can’t lose weight? You might be making mistake #3!
Barely eat and still can’t drop a pound? You might be making mistake #5!

Excellent articles and information sources mentioned in the show:

The Truth Behind Weight Loss Ads: Learn to recognize false claims in weight loss ads and false online stories about weight loss products.

FTC: A Reference Guide for Media on Spotting False Weight Loss Claims

Or just google this: how media promotes wrong weight loss information

In this countdown of the five biggest mistakes made in weight loss, workouts and getting in shape, you’ll learn #5, how to avoid the pitfalls of #5 and how to make lifestyle changes in training, nutrition and motivation to lose weight permanently and get the body you want!  The #5 biggest mistake is wrong sources such as ads, articles, magazines and hearsay.

Look out for false promises and fake stories online. Such as:

[below list was quoted from article The Truth Behind Weight Loss Ads: Learn to recognize false claims in weight loss ads and false online stories about weight loss products.]

  • Lose weight without dieting or exercising. (You won’t.)
  • You don’t have to watch what you eat to lose weight. (You do.)
  • If you use this product, you’ll lose weight permanently. (Wrong.)
  • To lose weight, all you have to do is take this pill. (Not true.)
  • You can lose 30 pounds in 30 days. (Nope.)
  • This product works for everyone. (It doesn’t.)
  • Lose weight with this patch or cream. (You can’t.)”

“Weight loss is an internal metabolic process. Nothing you wear or apply to the skin can cause substantial weight loss. So weight loss claims for patches, creams, lotions, wraps, body belts, earrings, and the like are false.”

[end quote from The Truth Behind Weight Loss Ads: Learn to recognize false claims in weight loss ads and false online stories about weight loss products.]

Lifestyle changes
Bottomline- there is no magic pill, no magic formula, not only calorie in out, it is a lifestyle change or small lifestyle changes that can change your body permanently!

Here are a few small changes in training, motivation and nutrition, that you can make today!

If you are not exercising, then how can you move your body more each day?   Think of a  “doable” activity.

  • Walk around the block
  • Walk around your house
  • Park father away where ever you go
  • Create you own “challenge” ie-100 knee lifts in 10 days-add 10 each day, or chair sits

If you are exercising:

  • Keep a log for a week
  • Are you improving?
  • Are you consistent?

If you are inconsistent:

  • Set up your self “appts” of time and day for workout
  • Pretend you are meeting a trainer
  • Report your workouts to a group

If you consistent what can you do differently?

  • Add weight training?
  • Learn a new machine or method
  • Take a different or new class


What is your mindset?  Are your thoughts supportive or not?

What are your thoughts towards training and nutrition? Not dieting!

If your thoughts are negative how can you make little changes?

  • Create a mantra
  • keep a journal
  • set a new goal
  • do a ten minute meditation or relaxing stretch or yoga each night or every other night or whatever schedule to clear your mind.

Actually the easiest! Take one unhealthy habit and fix it!

  • Eat breakfast
  • eat lunch
  • eat 3-4 meals (min.)
  • drink more water-get a bottle to measure it
  • eliminate fried foods for a week,
  • eliminate fast foods, or alcohol (for a week or other time period)
  • eat more green veggies or just eat some veggies!
  • Make a new recipe
  • keep a log and calculate your nutrients (not calories)
  • try a new source of protein
  • have a cup of tea at night rather than munching

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  • sign up on home page of
  • click banner for more information
  • testing for new consolidated website of programs/courses
  • audio and video testing
  • questionnaires and feedback required
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