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Fit 237: Abdominal Exercise Techniques, Food Scales, Identifying Beliefs
How to identify your limiting beliefs, the importance of having a food scale for effective nutrition and why most people are doing abdominal training wrong!
S10E3 – Fit 236 Ab Exercises to STOP doing, How to Maintain Motivation and Meal Habits
The next step you need to take to maintain motivation, ab exercises you need to stop doing and what more can I say about nutrition? Limiting beliefs that crush your […]
Fit 236 Ab Exercises to STOP doing, How to Maintain Motivation and Meal Habits
The next step you need to take to maintain motivation, ab exercises you need to stop doing and what more can I say about nutrition? Limiting beliefs that crush your dreams and more myths uncovered!
S10E2 – Fit 235 How to stay motivated and stop making the same nutrition mistakes, plus, workouts you should be doing right now!
Lack of motivation is the number one reason most people stop exercising. Don’t fall victim to the motivation zappers! Your workout cycles for the next 12 weeks! The secret weapon […]
Fit 235 How to stay motivated and stop making the same nutrition mistakes, plus, workouts you should be doing right now!
Lack of motivation is the number one reason most people stop exercising. Don't fall victim to the motivation zappers! Your workout cycles for the next 12 weeks! The secret weapon to changing your body! It's a new year, but are you still making the same old nutrition mistakes that ruin your metabolism? Find out what you need to do to boost your metabolism permanently!
S10E1 – Fit: 234 Resolutions, Change Your Training and What’s Your Motivation for the New Year
Resolutions, training changes and motivation for the New Year!