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S8E6 – Fit 200: Fat Burning, Diet, Competition
In this episode: Training: Using Short Rest Periods To Build Muscle and Lose Fat, Nutrition: Beware the four letter word, Motivation: Can competitions keep you committed?
Fit 200: Fat Burning, Diet, Competition
In this episode: Training: Using Short Rest Periods To Build Muscle and Lose Fat, Nutrition: Beware the four letter word, Motivation: Can competitions keep you committed?
S8E5 – Fit 199: Legs, Abs, Lies and Habits
In this episode: A free video download of a quickie workout! Nutrition-half truths, facts and lies. Maintaining focus and creating supportive habits for motivation.
Fit 199: Legs, Abs, Lies and Habits
In this episode: A free video download of a quickie workout! Nutrition-half truths, facts and lies. Maintaining focus and creating supportive habits for motivation.
S8E4 – Fit 198: Gym Etiquette Revisited, Eggs, Follow-ups
gym etiquette discussed in that episode then add a few items for 2014! If you know someone who is new to the gym world, this would be a great episode […]
Fit 198: Gym Etiquette Revisited, Eggs, Follow-ups
gym etiquette discussed in that episode then add a few items for 2014! If you know someone who is new to the gym world, this would be a great episode to forward to them!