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Fit 286 Superfoods-Shoulder Training-Part 2 of Know Your Why
The Easiest Diet Hack Ever! Stop doing shoulder press wrong! Motivation vs. Inspiration which one will keep you going until you reach your goal?
Fit 285 Four (4) steps to Crush Your Workouts with Fat-Burning Exercises, Supportive Mindset, Fat melting Meal Plans
If you don't do something right, don't expect the right results!
S16E1 – Fit 284 Vital Exercises, Meal Components and Instant Body Changes
Episode Notes The only 3 exercises you need, the three most vital meal components for fat loss and what you can do right now to change your body! New! YouTube […]
Fit 284 Vital Exercises, Meal Components and Instant Body Changes
New! YouTube videos! All three podcast topics have videos on the YouTube channel in addition to the full episode with background visuals.
S15E16 – Fit 283 One Vital Exercise for Core, Balance and anyone over 40! Support Yourself! #1 Thanksgiving Mistake
One exercise that strengthens core, improves balance and hikes your metabolism and is vitally important for people over 40 to do regularly; what you can do to create a supportive […]
Fit 283 One Vital Exercise for Core, Balance and anyone over 40! Support Yourself! #1 Thanksgiving Mistake
Strengthen your core, improve balance and hike your metabolism with ONE EXERCISE. This exercise is vitally important for people over 40 to do regularly! Create a supportive mindset for yourself and silence your internal bully! Avoid the #1 mistake made at Thanksgiving that makes you fat!