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S15E15 – Fit 282: The secret body part that makes you metabolically flexible to burn fat all day long!
How a body part you probably overlook, and under train, is the key to sustainable weight loss! Plus, how it can make your body metabolically flexible, which means your body […]
Fit 282: The secret body part that makes you metabolically flexible to burn fat all day long!
Learn what body part is the key to weight loss, how to use it, how to train it and how to maximize your efforts in the gym! Plus, the new fitness community!
S15E14 – Fit 281 Fix Your Cravings with Just One of Six Essential Tools!
Fix your Cravings! Cravings: definition: intense uncontrollable desires for specific foods, stronger than normal hunger. Cravings truth: may be indicators of nutritional deficiencies. Many cravings are from your body lacking […]
Fit 281 Fix Your Cravings with Just One of Six Essential Tools!
Food cravings can be a type of signal that your body is out of balance. This can cause overeating because the body attempts to find the nutrients by eating and compensating for poor nutrition with volume of food. Learn what to do to eliminate cravings for good!
S15E13 – Fit 280: Tools to Eliminate Stress Eating
Stress and food go hand in hand for several reasons. Food can cause stress and stress can cause you to crave food! This manifests itself in a few ways culminating […]
Fit 280: Tools to Eliminate Stress Eating
How to avoid common pitfalls that lead to weight gain during stressful times with four Tools to help end destructive behavior such as overeating and stress eating. Plus updates on the new Strong and Powerful Community and how you can access all the content free.