Strong and Powerful Campaigns

Our mission is to provide you with tools and guidance to recognize your true self-worth and be able to overcome bullies, people who put you down, and other adversities in life. The Mantra “I Am Strong and Powerful” is just the beginning of the journey to find confidence, self-esteem and live the productive, amazing and joyful life you are meant to have!

I Am

Self worth and value for strength and confidence.

Body Image

Positive body image and healthy habits.


Mindset, tools and skills to overcome bullies and value self-worth.

Social Strength

Social Media etiquette, risks and how to deal with negativity in social media.

Strong and Powerful Podcast

You can find this podcast on most media centers, or click the image at right.


For more information on Strong and Powerful Campaigns and upcoming events, visit the main site at


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