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Fit 255 Harmful Exercises, Best use of carbs, View Yourself
Harmful exercises you should avoid, carbs to change your body and how to get to your goals faster with a view of yourself!
S13E9 – Fit 254 Unworthy Gym Exercises, Carbs When & Why, Make a Plan!
Unworthy Gym Exercises, the injuries they can cause and what to do instead! When to eat carbs and why. The importance of a written plan.
Fit 254 Unworthy Gym Exercises, Carbs When & Why, Make a Plan!
Unworthy Gym Exercises, the injuries they can cause and what to do instead! When to eat carbs and why. The importance of a written plan.
New Strong and Powerful Podcast!
I have finally started the Strong and Powerful Podcast! It’s not yet on iTunes, Google, Spotify and the others, but has been submitted and will be available there in a […]
S13E8 – Fit 253 Squat Myths, Support, Nutrition Starting Point
Three myths I still hear about squats (there’s a lot more but these bug me the most); who is the most important person you need for support (hint: its not […]
Fit 253 Squat Myths, Support, Nutrition Starting Point
Three myths I still hear about squats (there's a lot more but these bug me the most); who is the most important person you need for support (hint: its not who you think) ; nutrition questions and where to start!